Galaxy Groups & Clusters

Galaxy Trio #40 — Copyright (c) 2012 Robert D. Vickers, Jr.

My next astronomy project is the Astronomical League’s Galaxy Groups & Clusters. I figured this would be a good project for the 18” Obsession as it would give me a good bit more light grasp than my 12.5” Dob so I could see some of the fainter galaxies in the list as well as seeing the brighter ones bigger and better. For this program, you are supposed to observe at least 120 of the 250 “objects” listed, including at least 30 galaxy trios, 30 Hickson compact galaxy groups, 30 Additional galaxy groups, and 30 Abell galaxy clusters.

To choose from, you are given lists of 50 galaxy trios from the Atlas of Compact Galaxy Trios by Miles Paul, 99 Hickson Compact Galaxy Groups, 50 Additional galaxy groups, and 50 Abell clusters. Einstein’s Cross is included as a challenge object.

I am using the Galaxy Groups and Clusters guidebook by Robert McGown and Miles Paul. I will try to post these observations more or less as I do them.

Compact Galaxy Trios

#1, #2, #3, #9, #10, #11, #12#13#14, #15, #16, #17, #21, #22#34#36, #37, #38#39#40, #41#42, #43, #44, #45, #46#47, #48#49, #50

Hickson Compact Galaxy Groups

#1#4#22, #23, #27#31, #32, #33#36, #37, #42#51, #60, #61#81, #82, #84#85, #86, #88, #89, #90, #91#92, #93, #94, #95, #96, #97, #98, #99, #100

Astronomical League Additional Galaxy Groups

#1, #2, #3, #4#9, #12, #23, #36, #41#42, #43, #44, #45, #46#47#48, #49, #50

Abell Clusters

#1 (Abell 14), #2 (Abell 76), #9 (Abell 397), #14 (Abell 569), #15 (Abell 576), #22 (Abell 1185)#37 (Abell 2147), #38 (Abell 2151), #39 (Abell 2152), #43 (Abell 2247), #45 (Abell3744), #46 (Abell 2589), #47 (Abell 2593), #48 (Abell 2634), #50 (Abell 2666)

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